
Tag: exam

Proven tips to help students with exam revision

Proven tips to help students with exam revision

Revision is a major part of everyone's life, whether they go onto higher education and the importance placed over exams there or remain in education for only as long as is compulsory. It is therefore surprising how many people do not know how to revise properly. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can be used to drastically help by increasing the effectiveness of an individual's revision skills. Four Revision Techniques and Finding a Place to Work It is remarkable how the simple act of sitting down at a desk can focus a student's mind and encourage him to apply himself to his revision. Tips include finding a quiet, distraction-free place with good lighting and minimal clutter. This leaves the student's mind clear to concentrate on revision and nothing else. This easy t...
Tips To Study Effectively For Exams And Tests

Tips To Study Effectively For Exams And Tests

Studying for tests is something that even top students dread. Tests require more than basic understanding of the material; they require retention of specific information. This guide is intended to help students avoid wasting time with study methods that cost too much time and rarely yield the desired results. Studying Before the Last Minute Studying over a long period of time, rather than cramming at the last minute, improves retention of information. This has been shown by many psychological studies, and is a very important key to success on tests (Cepeda et al, 2009). Waiting until the last minute to study may help a student on some tests, but this approach falls flat when cumulative final exams come. Also, most tests that occur after the beginning of the semester involve ma...