
Best Video Game You Can Play with Your Kids

Best Video Games You Can Play with Your Kids

The video game industry has been experiencing significant growth over the years. Not only are new titles coming out left and right, but more and more attention is being shifted to various age groups. And while in the past, game developers were trying to make games that will cater to everyone’s needs, things are a bit different nowadays.

Today, there are games that are created with different age groups in mind. And while the distinction can certainly be felt, that doesn’t mean one age group can’t enjoy them as much as the other one. That being said, here are some video games you can enjoy playing with your kids that guarantee great fun for everyone.

Super Mario Best Video Games You Can Play with Your Kids

Super Mario

Super Mario has seen many developments and adaptations over the years. Even the older versions of the game still get a lot of attention. In fact, if you have any older versions you don’t mind parting ways with, you can sell video games here (the older the better). Super Mario is arguably one of the most popular games in the world. So, no wonder that it will make the top of the list, right? However, not all the installments are equally kid-friendly. Super Mario 3D World is probably the most kid-friendly installment in the Super Mario universe. And while this game is thoroughly enjoyable for the youngsters, the pros are also not left empty-handed. Depending on your expertise and proficiency level you can uncover some serious depth in this game.

LEGO video games Best Video Games You Can Play with Your Kids

LEGO video games

As one of the leading toy manufacturers in the world, it comes as no surprise that LEGO dipped their toes into the world of video game as well. That’s why, if your kid is a fan of this brand, you can easily find various titles to check out. Check out this website to find cool action figures and game titles that will suit both your and your kid’s tastes. Due to the fact that LEGO even came out with some very well received cartoons, you can now choose between Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, Marvel’s Avengers, Harry Potter 1-4 Years and many more.

Splatoon 2 Best Video Games You Can Play with Your Kids

Splatoon 2

This game is ranked as an online shooter game, but don’t be quick to judge until you give it a try. While online shooters are certainly not kid-friendly, Splatoon 2 definitely doesn’t fit the stereotypes. The game is so obviously kiddy and entirely wholesome. And even though it clearly targets a younger demographic, it is great fun for people of all ages. Your kid can enjoy this game even in the single-player mode, which is excellent in case you have to quit your gaming session for any reason. 


Overcooked is a same-screen co-op game that teaches the importance of working together. True, this game is probably a bit more suited for older kids and adults, but you will surely have fun playing it. The objective of the game is to manage to prepare meals that come in as orders without – you’ve guessed it – overcooking them. The longer you play the game, the more the tempo increases. And while you’ll surely have loads of fun, try not to get stressed out if you fail.

Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo

This arcade game was originally published in Japan, way back in 1996. The remastered version came out as a one or two-player tile-matching console video game. The objective of this game is to match and eliminate as many tiles as you possibly can. By doing so, you will fill your opponent’s screen with counter gems. This game is super fun regardless of the age of players. The fast pace of the game makes it even more engaging. Add to that the adorable chibi character animation and both you and your kid are bound to have a jolly good time. 

Spending time with your kids is wholesome. However, add to that some good ol’ video games and things become even more fun for everyone involved. While it is important to try and limit your kid’s screen time, having some fun playing your favorite video games together certainly can’t hurt. 

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