If you are currently thinking about your financial future then it’s likely that you are open to many suggestions with regards to how you can build up a nest egg for your retirement years. Many of us would love to have some passive income that we could use to spend on the things that we want and the things that we need. Sometimes your salary isn’t enough to cover all of your bills and most of the money goes on your mortgage which has to be paid out every single month for the next 25 to 35 years. There are many different things that you can invest in but if you do your research, you will find that one particular investment comes out on top every single time.
I am of course talking about reliable and consistent property investment and anyone who bought their property 15 to 20 years ago is now cashing it in because the prices of property all across Australia and especially in Sydney have risen incredibly. Many people who bought property before for a couple of hundred thousand Australian dollars are now able to sell it for a million plus. This is a significant return and because the property market doesn’t show any signs of weakening, this is an avenue that you definitely need to explore.
The following are just some of the reasons why investing in real estate makes sound financial sense.
- An excellent ROI – We all want to put money into something that is going to provide us with the best return possible and real estate certainly meets this goal. The real estate market has been growing in value over the past couple of decades and it looks like it’s going to continue into the next couple. There is no doubt that appreciation of your property isn’t a guarantee but it’s as close to one that you are going to get. You just need to invest wisely and pick the right property to put your money into.
- It provides long-term security – If you are still in your early 30s and you’re trying to set up a financial portfolio for your retirement years then it will be another 30 years or more of growth in the Australian property market that you have to look forward to. This provides you with exceptional long-term security as long as you can hold out and not sell the property should there be any decreases in property prices. If you hold the course, then you can expect to make a considerable amount of profit with the money that you’re going to spend now.
Then there are all of the tax advantages that you can take advantage of in Australia because you’re going to have to pay for the upkeep of your property including maintenance, property management fees and even the mortgage interest that you have to pay. These are things that can all be claimed back and so when you do decide to sell, you will be taxed as capital gains and not income.
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