
Tag: benefit of a cloud-based POS solution

5 Benefits of Getting A POS System

5 Benefits of Getting A POS System

Everywhere you look these days, you’ll see a cloud-based POS system. This article describes the benefits of moving to a POS system. Over the past few years, cloud computing has been all the rage. According to Forrester research, annual worldwide public IT cloud services spending has grown from $47.4 billion in 2013 to $107.2 billion in 2017. Software companies in all sectors are increasingly pushing toward cloud-based, software-as-a-service business models. You’re asking yourself if it’s worth it. The debate almost makes it seem like traditional cash registers and a cloud-based POS are your only two options. There are still options that aren’t cloud-based, and some of the services that are even have localized features. Differences between local and cloud-based POS systems The b...