
Tag: blogging

Proven tips to write fiction blog

Proven tips to write fiction blog

Writing a fiction blog is fun and rewarding. Having an active reader base can help motivate you to keep writing and can even help you transform your fiction into cash. Writing a good fiction blog, however, takes planning and careful design. Plan Ahead for Your Blog Plan out your blog before you advertise it. Choose your characters and outline the plot. Decide how often you’re going to post, and be realistic. Aiming for once or twice a week is usually a good idea, but quality is more important than quantity. Write several posts before you publish any of them, so that you’re always a little ahead in case you can’t write for a week or two. Design Your Fiction Blog Choose a blogging website and design your blog. There are many free blogging websites, such as Blogspot and Liv...
Internet Business Ideas for Start-Up Business

Internet Business Ideas for Start-Up Business

Business, Technology
The Internet is full of information and opportunities. A new business owner who has just started maybe overwhelmed with numerous things all at once that he may end up spending more monies unnecessarily. Some of them have already identified their business offerings and model/s to use, however, there are other lucrative Internet business ideas that can be considered. Here are some of those business ideas to help you when you are thinking of doing something new and something own in your life with the help of internet: Internet Business Idea - Affiliate Marketing This works by promoting other products and services on the website. They provide a commission once a sale is made. Aside from knowing the basics of Internet marketing, the most important skills in affiliate marketing are sal...
Virtual reality for online gaming

Virtual reality for online gaming

Hot off the heels of the successful introduction and implementation of live dealers at online games, the igaming industry is already looking towards the next big thing that may make the online casino experience more real and as fully immersive as the latest technologies allow. Virtual reality is where the big casinos are now hedging their virtual chips as they look to find ways to further heighten the player's overall experience. Casinos such as Guts are one step away from virtual reality casino games. We can expect the industry as a whole to jump on the bandwagon if the virtual reality aspect takes off with the pioneers who launched this first. Should the concept tank or the gaming jurisdictions who regulate remote gaming fail to keep up, it might just be a pie in the sky. Virtual real...
Four Digital Marketing Strategies That You Shouldn’t Be Ignoring

Four Digital Marketing Strategies That You Shouldn’t Be Ignoring

Whether you run a small startup or are a marketing pro, there are some digital marketing basics that you simply cannot afford to ignore. When it comes to your marketing plan, a strong foundation is the key to success. With almost everything today being digital and more and more customers opting to both browse and shop online rather than in-store, digital marketing techniques are increasing in demand and necessity. These are some of the basic, essential digital marketing techniques that no marketing plan should ever leave out. Social Media Marketing Any award winning digital marketing agency will tell you that social media marketing is absolutely essential. Social media is becoming the heart of the internet, connecting people to people, businesses to businesses, people to businesses and s...