
Tag: exercise

Art of living: Simple ways to improve your daily routine

Art of living: Simple ways to improve your daily routine

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to take care of ourselves. However, taking control of our daily routines and making small changes can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. The art of living involves finding balance and purpose in our daily lives, and incorporating small habits that contribute to a happier and healthier life. Get Enough Sleep Getting enough sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy daily routine. Unfortunately, many people struggle to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately one-third of American adults don't get enough sleep. This lack of sleep can have serious consequences on our healt...
Top tips for effective exercise routine

Top tips for effective exercise routine

Health and fitness are becoming more and more important every day as more people are considered overweight or obese. Health education is also important in teaching folks the proper nutrition, healthy weight loss, and exercise workout routines. Health insurance will take on new meaning as the system of how health care is provided changes drastically. If just starting out with a new workout, trying a new piece of fitness equipment, or looking to hire the services of a personal trainer. the overall goal is the same. Creating and maintaining a fitness and exercise plan that includes stretching, aerobics, core exercises, muscular fitness, and balance training. Prepare for Exercise by Stretching First Before a body can be put through the exertions of aerobic and strength training, i...
Dance exercise program for back and leg strength

Dance exercise program for back and leg strength

According to dancer teacher, choreographer and artistic director to the London Contemporary Dance Theatre, Robert Cohan, building strength in the back and the thighs is essential if dancers are able to take their own weight via their backs and thighs when moving upwards from the floor [The Dance Workshop, George Allen & Unwin, 1986]. With increased strength, this movement may be executed with control, grace and minimal unsteadiness. During dance routines, the dance teacher must ensure that the correct technique is practiced to avoid injury and to aid those who might find the exercises difficult at first. Dance Lesson Plan on Floor Exercises The dance teacher may differentiate for diverse abilities within the dance class by omitting certain movements and prescribing extra exer...
Weight loss – Five pitfalls to avoid

Weight loss – Five pitfalls to avoid

Sustained weight loss is possible when tempting pitfalls are avoided. The following are five pitfalls to avoid for weight loss: Television The entire nature of television is that it is a sedentary, passive entertainment that is conducted while sitting down for extended periods of time. Time spent watching television is definitely time spent not moving very much. Therefore, there is no opportunity to burn calories. Worse, most people take snacks to eat in front of the television. These snacks are often of the salty, highly caloric variety. If television is a relaxing and enjoyable pastime, it does not have to be totally excluded from life. One way to avoid gaining weight is to walk on the treadmill while watching television. Another suggestion is to change the type of snacks that ...
What to expect first time in a Tai Chi Class

What to expect first time in a Tai Chi Class

Once the decision is made to experience a new form of movement and being, questions and self-doubt may arise about individual capabilities or fear of ridicule or failure. This is exactly what Tai Chi isn’t about. What is Tai Chi? Tai Chi is actually a martial arts routine or exercise meaning “supreme ultimate force” practiced as an internal art of health", according to the International Taoist Tai Chi Society. There has been a resurgence of interest in the West due not only to an aging population, but to the longstanding known benefits of Tai Chi. The ancient art has been studied and medicine laudis its benefits for balance and stress, and for patients in varying states of recovery. Founded by Master Moy Lin-shin the International Taoist Tai Chi Society is a volunteer non-profit o...
Exercise and lose weight using metal detecting finds and prospecting

Exercise and lose weight using metal detecting finds and prospecting

Metal detecting finds - Metal detecting or using a coin detector is a cost-effective, fun, and entertaining hobby that the entire family can participate in. While this hobby will provide loads of excitement each time an object is detected, it will get the family “out of the house” and provide some good outdoor exercise for everyone with metal detecting finds. Metal Detecting and Fitness with Coin Detector It’s amazing how much walking can be done by using coin detector. Staying busy at this hobby can provide at least a mile of walking each time you’re out, and you will surely “break a sweat” if you really work at it. Not only will you be walking, but if you are searching on a good place, you will constantly bend and stretch to dig your relics with the coin detector. This is al...