
Tag: fitness

Top tips for effective exercise routine

Top tips for effective exercise routine

Health and fitness are becoming more and more important every day as more people are considered overweight or obese. Health education is also important in teaching folks the proper nutrition, healthy weight loss, and exercise workout routines. Health insurance will take on new meaning as the system of how health care is provided changes drastically. If just starting out with a new workout, trying a new piece of fitness equipment, or looking to hire the services of a personal trainer. the overall goal is the same. Creating and maintaining a fitness and exercise plan that includes stretching, aerobics, core exercises, muscular fitness, and balance training. Prepare for Exercise by Stretching First Before a body can be put through the exertions of aerobic and strength training, i...
Dance exercise program for back and leg strength

Dance exercise program for back and leg strength

According to dancer teacher, choreographer and artistic director to the London Contemporary Dance Theatre, Robert Cohan, building strength in the back and the thighs is essential if dancers are able to take their own weight via their backs and thighs when moving upwards from the floor [The Dance Workshop, George Allen & Unwin, 1986]. With increased strength, this movement may be executed with control, grace and minimal unsteadiness. During dance routines, the dance teacher must ensure that the correct technique is practiced to avoid injury and to aid those who might find the exercises difficult at first. Dance Lesson Plan on Floor Exercises The dance teacher may differentiate for diverse abilities within the dance class by omitting certain movements and prescribing extra exer...
Tips on losing belly fat and getting hot abs

Tips on losing belly fat and getting hot abs

There’s no doubt about it, having a flat, sexy stomach or rock-hard abs is sexy. The abdominal muscles are also the first to get out of shape with age, through an unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise. Some may not mind having love handles, a pot belly, or a few spare tires around the middle, but most would prefer to have firm abs and burn belly fat away. Here are a few facts and myths when it comes to creating really hot abs and melting stomach fat: There are a lot of foods on the market that purport to be healthy, nonfat, high protein, and so forth. The truth is that many of these foods are just junk foods in disguise. Some companies have a huge advertising budget and they can get the public to believe that their food or product is the only thing that will help them to lose weig...
How to become a certified personal trainer

How to become a certified personal trainer

There are several paths you can take to become a Personal Fitness Trainer. The first is to seek a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology or a related field and, depending on your goals, then pursue a Master's Degree. Personal Trainer Certificate Programs But the quickest, and least expensive, path to becoming a trainer is to earn a Florida personal training certification from one or many of the organizations accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The NCCA was the first organization to offer accreditation in the fitness industry as a way to ensure the public's health, safety and welfare. It also assures you, as a trainer, that your certification will be nationally recognized by most gyms and fitness centers. The 7 NCCA Accre...
Tips to playing great golf and fitness

Tips to playing great golf and fitness

Lots of athletes have made the visit to the nearest sporting goods store in search of the latest product promising improved performance in incredible fashion. Even though watching Camilo Villegas play a round of golf is all the proof anyone should need, a recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research has shown the actual answer to better golf performance is a dedication to improved strength, flexibility, and balance. The study researched three areas of golfer fitness: strength, flexibility, and balance. It also divided golfers into three proficiency levels, using the handicap (HCP) index: Zero or less HCP; 1-9 HCP; and 10-20 HCP. Researchers found that the best golfers had greater levels of strength, flexibility, and balance compared to the other two proficiency ...
Ashtanga yoga book, personal trainer for fitness goals

Ashtanga yoga book, personal trainer for fitness goals

An Ashtanga yoga book or personal trainer is considered when weight gain seems unavoidable or when climbing stairs causes shortness of breath and bending over is distressful. Once the gym membership is ignored and physical activity is painful, personal training is a must. Consider an Ashtanga hot yoga trainer before signing on to the usual training session in the gym or home. Ashtanga Yoga According to Ashtanga yoga book, it is a set pattern or sequence of poses which are repeated, modified, and deepened with progress from level 1-(primary) to level 3 (advanced, A, B, C, D). It is an intense sweaty exercise based on breath synchronization with movement. The practice improves mind, circulation, and body. Ashatanga yoga book has the benefit for the solo practitioner of repetition of po...