
Tag: numerologist

Respectful relationships compatibility using differences in life paths

Respectful relationships compatibility using differences in life paths

To determine relationship compatibility in love numerology, a numerologist must first determine the life paths of the two individuals involved in the compatibility check. The life path is found by adding the day, month, and year of birth together and then adding across until a single digit is achieved. This example is for January 17, 1901 (1/17/1901): 1 + 17 + 1901 = 1919 1 + 9 + 1 + 9 = 20 2 + 0 = 2 The life path for January 17, 1901 is two. After life paths are determined, the numerologist then reduces master number life paths to a single digit. These life paths are then subtracted from each other. That number indicates the major issues that relationship partners will need to consider if the relationship is going to be successful. Free Love Numerology Relationship C...