
Tag: parents

Challenging behavior in preschool classroom

Challenging behavior in preschool classroom

Anyone who has ever worked with young children knows that they are not all angels all of the time. However, few are naughty all the time, and positive guidance seeks to focus on the good, minimalize the not-so-good and give the child options that are acceptable. Common behavior problems in the classroom A frequent concern is that the children do not follow directions. Circle time is frequently very frustrating as the children talk constantly. Is it because they do not speak English and cannot understand what the teacher is saying – maybe, but on closer observation, you may notice it is predominantly those who do speak English who chatter constantly. Sometimes you get a child still wearing diapers, who does not speak beyond “No!” and does not listen/understand/follow directions...
Advice for step-parents and stepsibling relationships

Advice for step-parents and stepsibling relationships

According to Family Education, over half of remarriages end in divorce. Merging families can trigger major issues for both parents and children. Challenges for Step-Parents If children spend the majority of their time with their birth mother or father, they may resent the intrusion of a stepparent on their precious time during visits with mom or dad The introduction of half-siblings as a result of the union between a parent and a stepparent can cause tensions and jealousies to erupt Children being wedged together from both sides of the family have to get used to built-in brothers and sisters as well as a new stepparent If the blending of the family involves a move or a change in schools, this can cause resentment as schedules and routines are disrupted If any parent or steppa...
Divorce therapy – Parenting preschoolers of divorce

Divorce therapy – Parenting preschoolers of divorce

Divorce therapy - It is easier to parent children of divorce when a parent knows what to expect and how to handle their child's fears and feelings. Preschoolers may have nightmares, anger, and may feel that one parent is "bad".   Children and Divorce Therapy What do preschool age children understand about divorce? They usually can understand that: One of the parents no longer lives at home Divorce means that mommy and daddy will no longer be married Mommy and daddy no longer love each other Mommy and daddy will no longer live together About Preschoolers Preschoolers still don’t quite understand what has happened and what will happen. Children at this age would like to be able to control things. This is related to their stage of development and it’s quite norma...
Marriage counseling questionnaire: How to overcoming parents’ divorce

Marriage counseling questionnaire: How to overcoming parents’ divorce

Plenty of research and marriage counseling questionnaire have been done on the relationships of those with divorced parents. Most of these studies conclude that children of divorce are doomed to fear commitment and to act out a series of dysfunctional patterns in their adult relationships. Marriage counseling questionnaire finds unlike most of the literature on adult children of divorce, Elisabeth Joy LaMotte's Overcoming Your Parents' Divorce: 5 Steps to a Happy Relationship [New Horizon Press, 2008] takes an optimistic approach. LaMotte begins by stating that fear of commitment can be beneficial, and goes on to explore both the positive and negative impact of parental divorce with fresh eyes. Marriage counseling questionnaire - Adult Children of Divorce "Adult children of di...
Marriage management – talking to children about marital problems

Marriage management – talking to children about marital problems

Unfortunately, children pick up on conflict and feel less secure when there are marriage problems, says marriage management expert. It is important to reassure children after arguing with a spouse and it's vitally important to get marriage help when needed. Reassure Children that Mom and Dad Still Love and Respect Each Other in Spite of Arguments After arguments, children need parents to affirm their love for each other. Because of this, it is important that parents don't just make up in private. If the children witness an argument between their parents, they also need to witness Mom and Dad apologizing, kissing, and making up. Marriage management analyst adds it's not necessary for children to know all the details about the conflict, but it is best if parents don't shy away f...
How To Control Your Child’s  Internet  Addiction

How To Control Your Child’s Internet Addiction

Lots of parents face the problem of our time – Child’s  Internet addiction. Youth spends more and more time online paying no attention to studying, books and going out with family or friends. How is it possible to overcome this addiction? Certainly, you may control your child being at home and see what your son or daughter is doing. However, it is impossible to control your kid all day long due to job, as well as it’s impossible for find out what websites your child visits during the day. Now you can easily solve such a complicated problem controlling your kid with the help of the best parental control app for iphone which lets you find out what your daughter or son is doing online at any time of the day and night. You don’t have to be worried about your child anymore, parental control ...