
Tag: Payday loans

Loan Tips for People with Bad Credit

Loan Tips for People with Bad Credit

When you are struggling financially, your credit is probably poor. It is tough to get back on top when you have poor credit. You won’t be able to take out any loans and other entities won’t trust you with assets. If you have bad credit, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to be financially strong and stable again. Whether you need to take out a loan or are behind on paying your loans back, below are some tips for people who have bad credit. Pay Back What You Owe Immediately It doesn’t matter what kind of loan you have taken out or how much it is for, paying back what you owe immediately is always necessary. Keep your due dates in mind. Never pay the minimum. While it is possible to pay loans back too fast, it will never negatively impact your credit score. Paying the money you borrowe...
How Long Old Debt Fall Off My Credit Report?

How Long Old Debt Fall Off My Credit Report?

    Debt is a burden that can be hard to get rid of if not paid timely. There are timelines attached to every debt. The same applies to loans taken a long time ago. Unpaid loans do not vanish on their own accord. They need to be paid to continue with a new line of credit. Old debts that haven’t been paid may result in a bad credit score. If you apply for short term Or long term loans, your financial background and account would be checked against a credit score. This score determines whether you have sufficient credibility to repay the short term loans or long- term loans are taken from the borrower. Fortunately, debt collections won’t reflect on your credit report all your life! After a period of 7 years, it would be wiped off from your credit r...
The Ethics Of Credit Score: Are We Creating A Dystopian Nightmare?

The Ethics Of Credit Score: Are We Creating A Dystopian Nightmare?

Huge numbers of Americans are discovering that their credit score has been adjusted in their favor by as much as 30 points. New standards for the use of public records mean that tax liens are now excluded from credit reporting. This news will hearten those who were previously on the borderline to reaching “good” credit, but it does little for those who are trapped by poor ratings. Consumers are encouraged to know what their credit scores are, and to take steps to repair them, but why is it so important? Has the problem stopped being the spending habits of a few irresponsible individuals? Is it now the system itself? Creating A Vicious Cycle In A Few Easy Steps Credit ratings replaced a bank manager getting to know his customers, when this became infeasible in our exponentially growing so...