
Tag: spending

How to save money with cookie jar

How to save money with cookie jar

A lot of people are watching their weight and don't need to eat cookies! So why not take that old cookie jar that's lying around and put it to good use? Take all the spare change that accumulates and drop it in that jar. In fact don't just put spare change in there, gather coins from anywhere and everywhere to go in the stash. Then by the end of the year, count it all out, and invest! The amount that savers will generate can be astounding. How to Save Money with a Cookie Jar First, take all the loose change from wallets, pockets, drawers around the house, and drop in that old cookie jar in the pantry. Then simply watch it grow for the next 12 months. But this is not just a passive activity! Take an active approach to collecting change. At the supermarket, dry cleaner, even the co...
How To Make Less Financial Mistakes In Your Twenties

How To Make Less Financial Mistakes In Your Twenties

You have impulsive behaviors during the college days. The decision making is very rash then and spending is like express format. You also tend to make more mistakes then as you have more room to fall and recover. You also get greater chance of learning from your mistakes. However, if believed to the common saying of German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, you need to be more sensitive during the college age. He said, "Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others." Below are some important tips how to make less financial mistakes in life: Budget yourself It is always suggested to budget yourself. Start even now. It is never too late even if you are not in your twenties. Budget making is highly essential as you will come to know what you ar...