

Master sentence variety, avoid comma splices in essays

Master sentence variety, avoid comma splices in essays

Across many college campuses today, writing essays without a massive infusion of comma splices, run-on’s, fused sentences, and other comma errors have become an illusion to majority of students. In my years of experience as a journalist, tutor, and lecturer, a startling revelation I have made is that students commit these egregious errors because they can’t differentiate between a compound sentence and a complex sentence and how they are punctuated. As a result, if students are encouraged to master the four main categories of sentences in the English language, about 80% of their punctuating dilemma is solved. Here, I must emphasize that I don’t mean statements; what I mean is sentence structure. By sentence structure, I mean simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences....
How to tell it is time to change careers

How to tell it is time to change careers

If the thought of returning to work in the New Year 2021, post-COVID pandemic, gives anyone the dry heaves or shakes, without the benefit of the night before, it's probably time to consider options for a new career path. Burn out and boredom from the present workload are both stress inducing; at least considering and researching other options gives a sense of doing something and taking control. Is it Burn Out, Boredom, or Something Else The first step is to decide if it is the job, the employee, or something else that is causing those knots in the stomach and that panic feeling upon arriving at work. Is the work situation and/or environment a healthy one or one filled with put downs and anxiety? Is the job challenging or just stress inducing? Is the workload OK but the co-workers...
JamSession for the iPhone and iPod Touch

JamSession for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Lead guitarists looking for a Band in a Box-like app for the iPhone or iPod Touch need to check out JamSession at Apple's App Store. This simple to use app uses samples of live instruments playing in different styles and keys giving the soloist ample room to try out different melodies and techniques. Developed by, JamSession is an easy way for musicians to get a backing band without having to pay union fees or to get into loop writing, like when using the iPhone's excellent BeatMaker app. JamSession for the iPhone and iPod Touch Features Audio Samples of a Backing Band Three Different Backing Instruments (Drums, Bass, Rhythm Guitar) Easy Interface Allows Toggling On/Off of Each Instrument Backing Tracks Feature Different Styles/Keys New Backing Tracks Availabl...