HPV Vaccine Does Not Increase Unsafe Sex Urge: Study
The HPV vaccine is learned to not lead teens engage in more unsafe sex. Federal Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says it is in the market since 2006, but has been used less widely compared to other recommended vaccines available.
The study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
HPV, or human papillomavirus, is recommended for three doses for boys and girls in the age group of 11 to 12. A 2010 CDC study suggests one dose is enough to cut down risk of contracting HPV by 82 percent.
CDC further adds in its study that even though the success rate is high, only 57 percent of girls were given at least one dose and just 38 percent of boys were given all the three doses in 2013.
Lead author of the study and a physician at Massachusetts General Hos...