
Marriage management: Dating tips for spouses

Sometime after the newlywed glow fades, a husband and wife may wonder, “Where did the romance go?” Marriage management expert says courtship is full of excitement. Married life is full of responsibilities. Couples soon get busy with chores, managing finances, raising children, and keeping up with extended families.

Dating tips for spouses

The tragically high divorce statistics are a reflection of too many couples investing all of their energy almost everywhere except for in their respectful relationships. When that happens, the husband and wife become estranged emotionally and physically.

Schedule Dates

Marriage management expert adds Marriage Meetings are a great way to keep respectful relationships on track. Couples who conduct them gain physical and emotional intimacy, which means more sex and romance. The Marriage Meeting agenda includes a time for the couple to schedule a weekly date.

Whether or not husbands and wives choose to conduct a formal meeting, they need a way to stay connected romantically in order to have fulfilling, intimate and respectful relationships. The best way to do is for the two of them to get out of the house on a regular basis so that they can have a relaxing, enjoyable time together.

Rekindle the Spark

Dating tips for spouses

Chores take energy is one of the important suggestions in marriage management. People cannot run on empty any more than cars. Fun is restorative, recharges everyone’s batteries. Couples who go out on dates regularly and use them to nurture their respectful relationships rekindle the spark that attracted them to each other in the first place. By keeping scheduled dates as sacred times, a couple builds trust and intimacy.

Couples Should Go Out Together on a Date Once a Week

Go out together once a week. Do activities that both partners enjoy. If money is an issue, it need not get in the way of planning good times. Free outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and lounging at a beach or at other scenic places abound. Many indoor events are free as well, such as entertaining talks by authors at book stores and libraries.

Court Each Other

In marriage management lesson it is well said to make the date a special occasion. Dress up. Bring along a positive, polite, attentive-to-each-other attitude. When other people see a spouse looking wonderful, that spouse’s partner will view him or her through new eyes. So make sure to sparkle. And remember to compliment each other for looking so gorgeous.

When is Date Night?

Marriage management

Some couples choose a particular day of the week for date night, such as each Thursday evening, or every Saturday evening for dinner out and/or a movie. Others vary their date time in order to go to events in which they are interested. For example, a play they want to see may be on a Saturday night, but a one-time program with a particular speaker will be on a Wednesday night.

Dates are Times for Couples to Reconnect, Relate to Each Other

A date is a time for just husband and wife to be together. An evening out with others accompanying the couple defeats the purpose of the date. Partners need the opportunity to reconnect as lovers.

Therefore, make sure to include time on a date to relate to each other. A movie date comes with an expectation of silence during the screening. So plan to include time for communication before and/or after the movie. Take a walk, go to a coffee shop, or be creative in finding another way to just hang out together as a couple. Note that much communication happens non-verbally, such as with a smile, a thoughtful gesture, and looking into each other’s eyes. When conversing, leave any troubles at home. This is the time to enjoy.

What to Do if Spouses Have Forgotten How to Enjoy Themselves

Some people haven’t gone out for good time in so long that they’ve forgotten how. The solution is to brainstorm for fun activities. Each partner can recall what he and she liked to do for recreation before marriage and during courtship. Spouses can dream about things they would like to do and places they would like to go. Each can makes a separate list. Then they can share their ideas and decide what activities they might both enjoy on a date.

Accept No Excuses

Barring illness, accident or family emergency, remember to keep the date as a sacred occasion. Don’t say it’s impossible to find a babysitter. Join a babysitting co-op, trade off with another parent, or call a local high school for a list of qualified sitters and get references.

Some couples who’ve gotten away from dating each other after marriage may be afraid they’ll have nothing to say to each other, or worse, that some complaints or criticisms will be aired by a partner. So make sure to make the date a pleasant experience for both partners. There will be other times for talking about sensitive issues.

Plan That Date Now

So to keep a marriage thriving and romance happening, go out on a date every week. Make it a relaxing, upbeat experience for both partners. Partners will reconnect and increase emotional and physical intimacy. They will look forward to their dates with excitement. Know that going out together is a wonderful way to keep spouses’ love for each other flowing and growing.

Don’t procrastinate. Plan a date with the spouse now and start living happily ever after. The above marriage management tips are proven and have helped uncountable number of couples in repairing their respectful relationships.


  • Geneva Stone

    I think those are great tip for married couples to have date nights so it can keep their realationship healthy. I will also show how much they appreieate each other more.

  • Geneva Stone

    I think that those are great tips for couples to come together and to reconnect with each other. I also helps to save your marriage and learn to appreiate each other more.

  • Carlos Cardinale

    marriage is to marry a person you love and is equal to you, because, one attracts in life what one is and expects to be both good and bad, this page helped me a lot with my relationship

  • Bruce

    Marriage really needs some skills, but wedding is not a human thing. It takes two people to work together and work hard to have a happy home. The same is true of love.

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