Bobby Sherman Biography | Facts and Rumors |
Bobby Sherman was a star in the late sixties and early seventies when his shaggy hair and big smile captivated girls across the United States.
Childhood and early life of Bobby Sherman
Bobby Sherman learned to play trumpet at an early age of 11. Gradually he learned to play sixteen musical instruments. He studied at Birmingham High School where he discovered his singing talent. His other activities in the school was playing football and being a part of a dance band. He did his college from Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California. In 1971 he married Patti Carnel but it ended with divorce in 1979. In 2010 he married Brigitte Poublon in Las Vegas.
Early Life of Bobby Sherman
Bobby Sherman was born on July 22, 1943 in California. His full name is Robert Cabot Sherman, Jr. Wh...