
Tag: social network

Actions that will turn your photos into pure art in no time

Actions that will turn your photos into pure art in no time

We always want to remember certain events of our lives — our wedding, birthdays, parties, etc. we always take photos. That is the way to save all those precious moments of our lives. We like to view the photos and memories come back we start to remember details of the events and that makes us feel a lot better. There is nothing wrong about it. We can take photos everywhere. You can use your smartphone or a camera to do that. However, it is not all about saving all those photos. Another important part of it is sharing. Share your photos — amaze your friends People use social networks a lot. It is hard to find a person who does not have an account in one of the social networks. People like to share their photos to show how they spend their time. However, sometimes we may feel that our phot...
Tops Tips To Un-Suffer FOMO From Smartphone

Tops Tips To Un-Suffer FOMO From Smartphone

You may have heard the word FOMO somewhere in this era of smartphone. It is 'Fear Of Missing Out.' It is a kind of phobia not to miss something on Twitter, Facebook or even WhatsApp, but this also turns to a serious problem leading to less productivity in your daily routine. It increases anxiety and your brain goes uncontrolled. If you feel you are suffering from such situation, follow the below given tips to fix up. Acknowledging problem Acknowledging the problem is important otherwise there is very little chance to overcome FOMO. In long-run it may become a serious issue and you will steal your valuable time out of anxiety. So it is suggested have a check on your behaviour right now. Social site diary at night While socializing on social networking sites at night it is suggested ...