
Tag: upskilling

Growing trend of upskilling and reskilling in tech industries

Growing trend of upskilling and reskilling in tech industries

Career, Technology
In recent years, the tech industry has seen a growing trend of upskilling and reskilling among its workforce. This trend has emerged in response to the rapid pace of technological change, as well as the growing demand for skilled workers in key areas like data science, cybersecurity, and software engineering. In this article, we'll explore what upskilling and reskilling are, why they matter in the tech industry, and some of the strategies that companies are using to develop and retain their workforce. What is Upskilling and Reskilling? Upskilling and reskilling are both terms used to describe the process of developing new skills or knowledge in order to advance one's career or adapt to changes in the job market. Upskilling refers to the process of acquiring new skills or knowl...