
What Happened On ‘Not My President’s Day’

Donald Trump is still in controversy, even after becoming the president of United States. Many are unable to accept him as the leader saying Not My President.

Not My President

Demonstrators in thousands walked down across the US streets on Monday observing the so-called Not My President’s Day. It was a federal holiday and protesters in huge number lined up outside the Central Park in Manhattan.

A flag read, “No ban, no wall. The Trump regime has got to fall.”

Two other message read, “Uphold the Constitution Now” and “Impeach the Liar.”

Rally in downtown Los Angeles too drew huge protesters in thousands even being a holiday. They called attention on the immigration crackdown of the president and response to climate change by his party members.

Not My President

The protesters said rally on the holiday is a way to honor past presidents of the US and they are exercising their constitutional right to assemble and peacefully protest.

Some chanted, “Love not hate makes America great.”

A sexagenarian in Chicago said climate change and immigrant rights under the new president have prompted her to attend the rallies in her area.

People in thousands rallied across the river from Trump Tower in Chicago and all were heard shouting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go.”

Not My President

Hundreds marched in Washington, D.C. too and many through midtown Atlanta. Dozens gathered around the fountain in Dupont Circle and said “Dump Trump.”

“This is what democracy looks like,” chanted protesters in hundreds in the Salt Lake City who marched against the new president and his administration’s stance on issues like free speech, Russia, immigration and environment.

One of the protesters, Reg Brookings, in the Salt Lake City said the new president is trying to divide the country by making the immigrants as enemy.

Meanwhile, small unruly group of protesters faced with police in front of the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in downtown Portland, Oregon.

“Make America Think Again” and “Build bridges, not walls,” were read in some posters held by protesters in Rapid City, South Dakota.

At few intersections in South Dakota Trump supporters waved American flags and their posters read, “God Bless our Presidents; Go Trump” and “Veterans for Trump.”

Some people have been reported to have taken into custody by police from some areas.

Do you too believing in such protest that has a flavor of: “ImPEACH NOW! (Not My) President’s Day March.” Share your views with fellow readers in the below given comment box.

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