
Conference Training and What You Need to Know

This infographic will walk you through the must have tips when attending any conference. Walking into any type of conference can make you feel extremely overwhelmed and unprepared. So here are some great tips to help you feel more than prepared for any conference.

Firstly, think of some conversation starters to prevent any unnecessary awkward silence. Use some conversation starters such as “Get any good info from this session?”. Next, always remember o bring a notebook. This is a great way to jot down any important points that will help you in the future.

A phone charger is always essential when attending a conference. Next organisation you have to prepare your day by going through your conference agenda so it will help you. Never feel vulnerable, when attending conferences can be intimidating, it usually takes a while to warm down.

Next always try to have the answers to key questions that you may be asked, for example “what is your goal” or “What do you want to achieve?”. Finally, you could try to bring a team member, you can hold twice as much conversations and also make a bigger impact.

If you would like to find out any more information when attending a conference, please visit Forum Business Training for some really cool tips.


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