
Traveling Around Sicily, Italy

By understanding transportation in Sicily before touching down on the Mediterranean island, more time can be spent enjoying the rich history, art, culture, and most importantly, food that Sicily has to offer. While brave travelers could try and cover the island by foot, traveling by car, train, and bus make up the most common forms of transportation.

Sicily, Italy

Traveling Around Sicily by Car

Sicily is much larger than most people may think. One of the best ways to see the island could be by rent a car. There are so many little towns and sights to see that buses and trains often whiz through, making a car ideal for travelers truly intent on seeing it all.

Cars can be rented at any major airport in Sicily. Some of the major cities and towns also have car rental offices where travelers pick up some wheels. Drivers that do decide to traverse Sicily should be aware of the narrow roads they may encounter. Also, some stretches of highway may end, with slower roads in between less traveled areas on the island.

Traveling Around Sicily By Train

For visitors that just want to stop in all the major towns of Sicily, train travel may be the best option. InterCity trains through Ferrovie Dello Stato connect all ends of the island. There are slower lines in Sicily that do stop in every little town on the way. These are normally Diretto, Espresso, or Interregionale trains.

Train ticket prices can vary. It really depends on how far away the city is and how long a traveler wants to spend on a train. Faster trains are more expensive than those that make frequent stops. All major stations allow for easy purchasing. Visitors that want their tickets in advance can purchase most routes online.

Traveling Around Sicily By Bus


Travelers will find most locals tend to travel around Sicily by bus. Buses reach many towns trains do not and ticket prices are often significantly cheaper. The company Interbus services almost every Sicilian town. If an Interbus is not running, most likely one of its affiliates will be. Such affiliates include Autolinee, Sicilbus, Segesta Internationale and Etna. Most of the buses that connect major cities will be cobalt blue in color.

Travelers can purchase tickets several ways. Some buses offer riders the option to buy their tickets on board by just asking the driver for a ticket. To ensure a spot, travelers can instead purchase their tickets at a bus terminal. Local bus tickets can be purchased at tabacchi and newspaper stands.

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