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Cheap travel by fast TGV-Lyria trains from Paris to Switzerland

Cheap travel by fast TGV-Lyria trains from Paris to Switzerland

High-speed TGV-Lyria trains connect Paris in France with Geneva (Genève), Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Bern, Basel, Zurich, and Brig in Switzerland. Traveling time from Paris to Geneva by train is just over three hours and 4h30 to Bern or Zurich. Cheap tickets and bargain deals are available for early reservations and return journeys. High-Speed TGV-Lyria Train from Paris to Switzerland The most relaxing way to travel between Paris and Switzerland is by high-speed TGV Lyria trains. These fast and often luxurious trains transport passengers in comfort from city center to city center. By cutting out check-in times and transportation to airports, these TGV trains can easily compete with planes on most routes. High-speed railways connect Paris on four routes with Switzerland: Paris-Gar...

A Montana Road Trip: The Best Towns to Visit

You're planning a road trip to Montana and you're not sure which towns to visit. Well, you've come to the right place! We've put together a list of the best towns to visit on your Montana road trip. No matter what your interests are, we have a town for you. Whether you're looking for a small town with a rich history, or a town with plenty of outdoor activities to keep you busy, we have you covered. And if you're looking for something a little off the beaten path, we've got that too! So, without further ado, here are our picks for the best towns to visit on your Montana road trip. Helena Helena is the state capital, and it's a great place to start your journey. There's lots to see and do in this charming town, from hiking in the mountains to checking out the local art scene. If y...
Things to do in Sydney – Explore the tank stream

Things to do in Sydney – Explore the tank stream

Wondering what to do in Sydney? Descend beneath the skyscrapers and explore the city's historical Tank Stream. It's a subterranean adventure. With warm summers, mild winters, pristine beaches and a kaleidoscope of multicultural activity, Sydney contains numerous options for the outdoor enthusiast. However, beneath the hustle and bustle of the city’s surface, and kept in darkness for over 150 years, flows Sydney’s dirtiest and best kept secret. The Tank Stream - a largely forgotten waterway that was the lifeline of Sydney residents long ago. The Flowing History of Sydney The stream was originally thought to be an important water source for the Cadigal people, the traditional inhabitants of Sydney Cove. However, much later its practical and enchanting qualities caught the Britis...
Christmas Island – Galapagos of the Indian Ocean

Christmas Island – Galapagos of the Indian Ocean

Christmas Island, home of the migrating Red Crabs and endangered Abbott Booby birds, is a place of natural wonder and contradictions. Christmas Island has long been known as the "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean", but it is a place full of contradictions. Today this remote, rugged outpost of Australia is as likely to grab the headlines for its controversial phosphate mining and immigration centre as it is for the island's extraordinary fauna and flora. Christmas Island is so called because it was discovered on 25th December 1643 by Captain William Mynors aboard the ship Royal Mary. But it wasn't settled until 1888 when it was declared a British Colony. Tropical rainforest It is an isolated territory 2600km north of Perth and on the fringes of Asia. It's tropical rainforest ...
Sultanhani – Silk-Road Caravanserai in Turkey

Sultanhani – Silk-Road Caravanserai in Turkey

The structure, built between 1229 and 1236 by Sultan Keykubat, is one of the is one of the many along the ancient Silk-Road. The ancient and much travelled Silk-Road linked the Middle East, Iran, and Iraq with China. The route ran from Europe through Central Asia and on to China carrying silks, spices and all manner of goods between them. Caravanserais were in a way similar to present day truck stops. The Caravanserai The caravanserais were built like forts.They were a safe place for caravans. They were designed for protection and to keep out marauding raiders at night. Once within the caravanserai a weary caravan could look forward to warm food, a bath and a safe shelter for the night for both man and beast. Caravanserais offered the travelling merchant shelter for the night and...
Cephalonia: More than just a story

Cephalonia: More than just a story

Since Captain Corelli's Mandolin became a runaway success, tourists have flocked to the small Greek Island of Cephalonia, to walk in the footsteps of its loveable characters, such as Pelagia and Captain Corelli. Louis de Bernieres, the author of the novel, describes the Island as though it were a character itself. He tells of its beauty, its brilliance, the colours, the fragrances and its ability to make visitors fall in love with it. The Corelli Trail All over the Island there are reminders of the novel, such as a cafe chain named, Corelli's Cafe Bar. Captain Corelli's Mandolin, which was published in1993 and adapted to a film in 2001, has now become a tourist industry. Visitors to Cephalonia have the opportunity to visit the locations that were used for filming, with many ho...