
The Top Three Ways to Pass Time When You’re Bored

The Top Three Ways to Pass Time When You’re Bored

Whether you’re waiting for a date, ready to go out before everyone else, or just sitting in at home with nothing interesting to do, getting bored can be well, boring. If you’ve stumbled upon this article because you’re sat twiddling your thumbs and wondering what you can do to keep yourself occupied and pass the time, you’ll be glad to hear that you’re in the right place. Below, we’ve listed some of the best – and free – things that you can do on the internet whilst you’re sat doing nothing to help pass time a bit faster and make your feelings of boredom a thing of the past.

Memes and Photos

Memes are, undoubtedly, an internet sensation that most of us have already seen tons of. But with thousands of new memes popping up every week, you can be sure that there’s always something new to have a laugh at when it comes to the world of funny photos online. In fact, you can get whole sites dedicated to memes and funny photographs, so if your idea of a good laugh is browsing the web for photos with captions that will make you laugh, head on over to  funny photos and memes where you definitely won’t be disappointed.


There’s nothing worse than realizing that there’s nothing decent playing on the movie channel and you’ve watched all the movies you own when you’re sat feeling bored. If you’re stuck for things to do and really want to watch a new movie, Netflix can come to the rescue. With a one-month free trial available to all new members which can be cancelled at any time, your boredom will soon be ancient history once you sign up and discover the thousands of different movies and popular television shows on offer. You can watch Netflix on a whole range of different devices including laptops, gaming consoles, tablets and smartphones, and of course any smart TV.

Mobile Games

You might be surprised to hear how fast playing mobile games can pass the time. Once you find a game that you love, an hour can easily feel more like ten minutes when you’re playing. And, with so many different mobile game apps available from the App Store and Google Play, you can soon get started on your smartphone or tablet. The best thing about mobile games is that these days, most of the games are free to play. This means that you won’t actually have to pay anything to download the game – the charges are in-app where you’ll be asked if you want to pay for things such as leveling up faster, but in most cases you won’t be obliged to. If you’re a console gamer, you can even get hold of some of your favorite console games in mobile app form for playing on the go – no more boredom on those long train commutes to work!

Which are your favorite ways to keep yourself entertained when bored? Whether you watch cat videos or play action shooting games, we’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.

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