Getting the opportunity to travel the world or even just a few sections of your country during your college life is a great experience. Traveling does not just allow you to see the world, but also to shape and develop you into a more mature person who knows what is going on around them. In addition, it allows you to change your perspective of the places you visit and the people you encounter along the way or during your stay in those destinations.
However, it is not just enough to get all the nostalgic experiences that come with traveling. It is even better when you can compile all those experiences into a piece of writing essay that can also develop you academically. But how do you turn your traveling experience into an essay that will fetch you good marks in college? This post will discuss some of the best ideas of writing an essay about your favorite traveling experience. Stay put to learn more.
Have the right perspective in mind
The first thing you need to know about turning your favorite travel experience into an essay is that you don’t need to have stayed long in that particular place to write a great essay on traveling. All you need to do to get yourself moving is to identify what is more important and what you want the world to know about your trip.
What is nature saying?
One of the best places you need to begin your essay about your travel experience is capturing the voice and handwriting of nature. If you remove nature from the center of your essay, then you did not travel at all because all travel includes you moving from one physical location to another—and that is still a part of nature. The beauty of the place you visited is already enough raw materials to give you a head start since all you need to do is to recall and describe what it was and how you liked it.
Detail the destination’s point of transformation
When you visit a location, and you want to turn that event into an essay, you need to determine which things inspired or touched you the most. The reason here is that a particular place may have different experiences that do affect different people differently. For example, if you visited the famous Amazon basin in South America, are you going to have a whole host of encounters that you can write about. For example, are you just going to be carried off your feet by seeing the biggest flow of water in the world or you are going to be moved by the ever-stretching green forest basin?
What if you visited the famous MaasaiMara National Park in Kenya? Will you choose to focus on the kindness you received from the local Maasai community or you will zero on the roar of African lions roaming the Mara? Before you start writing, you need to choose what you would like to focus on even if it is one or a few issues that made your travel memorable.
Do not tell a story; tell your unique story
One of the things that you need to capture about writing an essay on your travel experience is that it should be your personal story and not another attempt to defend or propose arguments. Here, there are no arguments that you need to defend. Therefore, all you need to do is to learn how to tell your story with genuineness and passion. All you have to do is to narrate how it was and put your personality into the story. You need to use the first person to stress the reality of what the trip meant to you.
Don’t just tell the events, share the lessons and the surprises
All travel moments have an impact on visitors. As such, you need to tell freely not just what you saw or experienced, but also what you learned. For instance, if visited the Maasai Mara and you enjoyed the kindness of the locals, you are most likely to have a change of heart about the Maasai community. This change of heart is possible especially for those westerners who grow up thinking that the Maasai are belligerent Bushmen who are out to fight off foreigners.
Besides the lessons that you learnt during your tour, you need to include any surprises that you encountered during your trip. Surprises are some of the best ways of learning because they are the best classes that force you into learning without your prior consent and they demolish your previous assumptions. With surprises, you learn the difference between reality and cherished fiction.
No need to narrate everything
Another idea that will help you to write a good essay on your best travel experience is keeping off the temptation to offer a day-by-day description of your trip. The reason is that if you are dealing with a longer travel, for instance, one week, you may not exhaust all the details within a five-paragraph essay. All you need to do is to narrate the important moments you need to share with the world.
Find help here
With the above tips now cemented in your mind, writing an essay on your favorite travel experience should now be a joy and relish. But if you need more help, you can get it from your custom essay writers.
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