
Trade Show Promotional Items: What You Should Take Along?

Trade Show Promotional Items What You Should Take Along

Trade shows and conventions offer opportunities to strengthen relationships with existing customers while developing connections with those who will soon become clients. While much of your effort goes toward creating the ideal exhibit for the event, it pays to consider the types of promotional items that are made available to the event attendees. Here are a few examples of essential items that you need as well as some that can serve more than one purpose.

Covering the Basics

There are certain promotional items that most attendees will expect to see at most of the exhibit booths. Since you don’t want to disappoint anyone, make sure you have those basics on hand and in ample supply. One of the more important ones to include is plenty of Artik custom notepads.

Even in an age when so much is done in a digital format, there is always a place for a notepad bearing your company name and logo. It never hurts to add contact information like your phone number and email address to the pad design. Whenever there’s the need to jot down a quick note, the user sees your name again. When the need for one or more of your products arises, the odds are high that your company will come to mind first.

Remember to stock up on some other basic promotional items like pens, coasters, and golf ball markers. Having some customized tote bags on hand not only provides an easy way for attendees to carry their collected goodies around the exhibit hall. Each bag becomes a type of roving advertisement for your company.

How About Some Clothing?

You did arrange for your event staff to have custom polo shirts, but have you thought about providing free Artik custom t shirts to the attendees? What about baseball caps bearing your company logo and name? Items like these can be worn at the trade show, but they also serve as more advertising for you after the attendees go home and wear them from time to time. They may be all it takes for someone you’ve never met to ask about your company and decide to give you a call.

More Practical Ideas

Consider adding giveaway items with a contemporary touch. For example, have some tablet covers on hand. Many people rely on tablets rather than laptops when they travel. While the cloud is popular for storage, you’ll find that having custom USB drives to give away will be a huge hit. It also doesn’t hurt to have smartphone cases bearing your company name and logo around. With people using their phones throughout the day, they’ll see your information regularly and always have it handy.

Now is the time to think about what sort of promotional items you want to take along for the next trade show. Spend some time learning more about the wide range of promotional items in Canada that you can order. The right combination will ensure the impression you make on event attendees is a positive one and could pave the way for a lot of new business volume.

1 Comment

  • Frank

    I had visited many trade shows, in the promotional products industries, you said it. Since our company are dealing with basic and simple products, we know it is true.

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